Knowledge Base

Categories (9)

Communication and Collaboration

Articles related to email, mailing lists, collaboration services, shared drives, video conferencing, and employee voicemail.

Desktop and Mobile Computing

Articles related to computer, device and printing support.


Articles related to connecting to the academic and residential networks and using the VPN for employees.

Teaching and Learning

Articles related to academic technology including the digital learning environment (Brightspace and associated applications), lecture capture, inclusive access for e-textbooks, and student evaluations of teaching.

Administrative and Business

Articles related to using the student information system including Banner and myOswego.

Information Security

Articles related to accounts, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and reporting spam and phishing messages.

IT Professional Services

Articles related to new student and new faculty/staff orientation.


Articles related to alumni account renewal, Google storage limits, and requesting transcripts as an alum.


Articles related to retiree account renewal, Google storage and account management FAQs