Creating an Assignment in Brightspace


This document provides the steps to create an assignment in Brightspace. The steps will include how to add the assignment to the grade book along with how to add the assignment to the Content section of the course.

  • Faculty are encouraged to create assignments using Course Tools.

  • Steps 13-15 are necessary steps. Without completing these steps the student won't be able to find the assignment.

  • If the newly created assignment will not be included in the gradebook calculation, please reach out to the DLE support team for assistance. There are multiple ways to set ungraded assignments depending on how the grade book is set up and your desire to monitor what has been submitted. 


  1. Login to Brightspace and go to the desired course.

  2. Go to Course Tools, Assignments to create the assignment.

  3. Choose the New Assignment option.

  4. Add the Assignment title.

  5. If it's a graded activity, click on the words Ungraded to see other options.

  6. To tie the assignment to the grade book, fill in the point value and then choose In Gradebook.

  7. Choose Edit or Link to Existing.

  8. From here, there are a few options to consider.

    1. The default will generate a new column in the gradebook.

      1. If your gradebook uses categories, choose Choose Grade Category to have the new column appear in the correct gradebook category.

      2. To change the Grade Type and Scheme choose that option (not frequently used).

    2. If you are replacing a quiz with a new quiz, choose Link to an existing grade item. (You may need to unlink the old quiz first. Gradebook instructions can guide you through.)

  9. Consider adding a due date to the assignment. This is recommended, but not required.

  10. Add your course materials (instructions, attachments, etc) to the assignment.

  11. Finally, consider the options listed to determine what works best for this assignment. Expand the options by clicking on the arrow.
    Here is an overview of the different options.

    1. Availability Dates and Conditions

      • Add date restrictions, release conditions and allow special access to the course materials

    2. Submission and Completion

      • Change to a Group Assignment

      • Change submission type (text box, attachment, observed in person)

      • Change how many submissions are allowed for the assignment

      • Determine what submission to accept

    3. Evaluation and Feedback

      • Add Rubrics

      • Set anonymous marking

      • Set up TurnItin

  12. Choose Save and Close when complete.

  13. Now, go to Content (in the top toolbar) to the location the assignment belongs.

  14. Add the assignment to the Content by using Existing Activities, Assignments.

  15. Select the Assignment to add to Content.

  16. The assignment will appear at the bottom of the module. The assignment can be moved if needed by clicking on the waffle and dragging the assignment to the correct location.


  • Confirm in Grades, Manage Grades to ensure the assignment is tied to the grade book, point values are correct, etc. if it is a graded assessment.

  • Determine whether the content should be hidden or shown to students.

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Need additional information or assistance? Contact CTS.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. State University of New York at Oswego Division of Extended Learning and Campus Technology Services


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Article ID: 11015
Thu 4/4/24 11:21 AM
Fri 7/26/24 8:56 AM

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