A zero grade can be automatically entered in the gradebook for students who fail to submit an assignment or quiz by its due date. This feature requires a future due date. It is not retroactive. At the time of the due date, any missing submissions will receive a grade of zero. You still have the ability to manually override the zero should the work be submitted later.
Best practice is to turn the setting on at the start of the semester. Doing so will prevent students with missing work having inflated grades.
- In Brightspace, access the desired course.
- From Course Tools, select Grades.
- On the Grades page, click on Settings.
- Click on the Calculations Options tab.
- In the Grade Calculations area, select the Automatic Zero for Missing Submissions option.
- Click the Save button.
Additional Information
- When copying the course the setting will still be selected. However, the past due dates will not effect student grades.
- Instructor grade view: automatic zeros are underlined
- Student grade view: the assessment is still listed as overdue with the following comment - This activity is overdue, and you haven't completed it. Complete it now to update your grade.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. State University of New York at Oswego Division of Extended Learning and Campus Technology Services