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The following steps will show how to create or update your mailing address, email address, and phone number in myOswego.
Incoming students who are not registered to at least one course and users outside SUNY Oswego will not be able to join a Zoom meeting. The workaround would be for the advisors or the host of the meeting to turn off the "require authentication to join" option before starting the meeting.
At SUNY Oswego, we store student cell phone information as part of the student's emergency contact data. The following steps will show how to create or update a cell phone number for texting, emergency notifications, etc.
This guide walks you through the steps needed to successfully move student final grades from Brightspace to myOswego. Note: this guide assumes that you are utilizing a Grade Scheme. If you have not done so already, either go back and set up the Grade Scheme. Otherwise, you will need to convert the grades downloaded into their respective letter grade.