myOswego - Faculty Class List Email feature


The Class List page in Faculty Services allows the instructor to send an email to individuals or the entire class.


  1. In myOswego > Faculty Services, select the Class List option.
    myOswego > Faculty Services > Class List option
  2. Select the appropriate course.
  3. On the Summary Class List page, select the individual student(s) or use the top select box to select all students to email.
    select email recipient
  4. Select the email icon, which is located on the right side of the Summary Class List navigation.
    email icon located to the right of Summary Class List
  5. Unless you have an email client set up on your computer, select and copy all of the student email addresses listed in the Bcc: area
    1. In Oswego Google mail, select compose, then paste the email addresses into the BCC area.
  6. Complete email and send.


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