Google Multifactor Authentication for Departments, Student Clubs, and Student Organization Accounts


Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a critical security measure for protecting business data in email accounts. It adds an extra layer of protection by requiring users to provide two or more verification factors to access an account. The guidelines in this article detail the various strategies you can use to share account and/or data access after activating MFA depending on the number of people who require access for your department, student club, or student organization.


Groups with a single user accessing the account for Email/Calendar/Drive


Groups with multiple users accessing the account for Email/Calendar only


Groups with multiple users accessing the account for Email/Calendar/Drive


Groups with a large number of users accessing the account for Email/Calendar/Drive


Migrate to a mailing list in Mailman 

  • If the account is only being used to send notifications to mailman lists or other Google Contacts lists, the account should be moved to a mailman list itself for mass mailings

    • For more information about Mailman mailing lists, read our related knowledgebase article

    • You can request a list by filling out a request form. Please note in the request that you would like to deactivate a group account and move to a Mailman list.


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Article ID: 10998
Tue 3/5/24 10:52 AM
Wed 3/20/24 9:22 AM