How to reset passcodes for releasing print jobs with OswegoPrint (for employees)


OswegoPrint uses a secure release printing methodology where documents have to be released using a six character passcode.  If you have forgotten your passcode, you may reset it yourself using the following instructions.


  1. Login to the computer you use to print your documents.
  2. For Windows computers, there will be a printer icon in the task notification area in the lower right corner of your desktop.  The image below shows it.  On the Mac side, the printer icon will be located in the upper right corner of your desktop.

    Picture of the bottom of the windows task bar.  It shows a blue background with the icon for a printer highlighted.

    This is a closer look at the icon: The printer icon looks like a multifunction device with a top for making copies and a bottom for storing paper
  3. Once you click on the printer icon, a new "Pharos Secure Release" window will open.

    This is a small window with a white background.  There is an icon in the upper right hand corner with three yellow lines.  Clicking on that opens up some menu options.

  4. On the right side of the window, you will see an icon with three lines.  Click on that and choose "Reset Passcode."

    This is a small window with a white colored background.  There are three yellow lines in the upper right corner with a menu revealed.  The "Reset Passcode" option is highlighted in light blue.

  5. You may be asked to login to the system.  Click "Login to continue."  A new window may open up asking you to authenticate and use MFA to validate your identity.  

    This image shows a side profile of a control panel at a multifunction device.  The image says "Welcome to Pharos Secure Release" using white text on a black-ish background.  There is also an option to "Login to continue" also shown in white letters on the same black-ish background with a yellow arrow pointing to the right.

  6. Once you have successfully authenticated, the above window will be updated showing your new passcode. You will also receive an email with the new code.

    This image shows the same panel at a printer but with the new passcode displayed in yellow.
  7. Once you have the passcode, you can safely close the application by clicking the "x" in the upper right corner of the window. 


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