If you've ever had a fire drill in the residence halls, grade school or high school, you know the procedure, walk out of the building in an orderly fashion. The same goes if you're in a classroom at the time. But what if you are behind the CLA area and are responsible for that lab?
All of the labs have a lab key located in the CLA cabinet. Make sure you know where it is in all the labs where you work. This is important to do BEFORE you have an emergency. You should not be wasting time looking for the key when you should be exiting the building.
One of the basics of fire drills is: everyone out, quickly and calmly. Since you are in charge of the lab, this is your job. Tell all the users that you will be locking the lab, and they may leave their stuff. (You're going to have to be loud, remember you have to yell over the alarms. Take a quick walk-through to make sure that everyone has exited, and then make sure you have the lab key, exit the lab, and make sure the doors are locked.
Once the fire drill is over and you can get back into the building, open up the lab and let everyone in. This is really simple, just open up the doors and you're done. People will come back in and sit at the computers they were at before. You should also take a walk around the lab to log out anyone who didn't come back or didn't log themselves off.