One of your responsibilities as a Computer Lab Assistant is to monitor the print queues. The following goes into more detail about how our Pharos print system works.
- A user can print wirelessly from their personal laptops. Installers can be found here. These users will be prompted for their user name and password when they print.
If there is a queue problem, you can take the following steps:
- First, check the printer for paper jams, toner, etc. Fix any problems and see if the queues clear up. If you are in a lab with multiple printers, be sure to fix all printers as they share the same queue.
- In Pharos Remote, you can go to "Job Management, Printed Jobs." Select and delete the job. This may clear the queue if it is jammed. Please be aware that a user has already been charged at this point.
- If there was a toner issue or paper jam and a user's print job is of poor quality, you can re-release the job for them. You can do this in a 15-minute window from the time a user prints. Select the job, and on the right click "Reprint." Any time a job is re-released, it is logged on the system.
- You can check "alerts" in Pharos Remote. Simply select "system" then "alerts" from the left hand column, and you may find out why a user is unable to print a job.
- If a user does not want a job reprinted but does want a refund, log in to TeamDynamix and complete the print quota refund. Refunds should be kept to a minimum due to the ability to reprint jobs.
Finding users in Pharos Remote
- There is a new "filter" option in the latest version of Pharos Remote. When you are looking at "printed jobs" and cannot find a username, select "show filter" on the right.
- You will notice there is a box with the word "filter" on top of the list of jobs. Enter the user's Laker NetID only and hit enter. This will show only jobs by that user.
- If you cannot see all users because a filter is turned on, select "remove filter" on the right.
Multiple Excel Documents Issue
- If a student tries to print more than one copy of an Excel document, they may get a "PCL/XL Error." Have the user print the job out one at a time.
Users can also print wirelessly from their personal laptops. See the following link for more information.
Additional Information
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