In addition to keeping an eye on the users as they walk into the labs, and helping users that come to the desk for help, you should also be doing regular rounds of the lab. These rounds are just to make sure that the lab is in order, and anything that needs fixing or looking at gets fixed or looked at.
I'm supposed to do rounds?
Yup, you're supposed to get up a few times during your shift and take a walk around the lab to make sure that everything is working/going as it is supposed to. Obviously, if you are having an extremely busy day, you wouldn't stop helping users to do rounds of the lab, but this is a rarity. You can usually find 2 or 3 minutes to take a walk around the lab in between helping the users. Generally, it is a good idea to take a walk around the lab every 20 - 25 minutes.
So what am I looking for?
The most important thing to do on rounds is to fix up the paper surrounding the printers. Recycle leftover cover sheets and stack printouts near the printer so users can easily find them. This is particularly important in Penfield.
You are also looking for users who are eating. There is no food or drink allowed in the labs, but a lot of users ignore or forget about this policy. You can ask the user to either put their food away or to finish up outside the lab. You are looking for machines that have been left logged onto (log people out). Also, look for garbage and paper that users may have left on or near the computers, it is part of your job to keep the lab clean.