Popular Services
This is the campus standard model for PC laptops.
This service is in regards to replacing aged computers with previously used equipment.
This form is for retirees wishing to enable Google Takeout/Transfer Services to remove data from their Oswego account and move to a personal Google Account.
This is the campus standard model for PC desktops.
This is the campus standard MacBook Pro. This works well for basic web browsing, document editing, along with higher end graphic design (Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc.), some video editing (Adobe Premier), and data/research analysis locally installed on the computer (SPSS, Minitab, etc.).
This is the campus standard 13" MacBook Air model. This laptop works well for web browsing, browser-based applications (Brightspace, LakerApps, myOswego, Citrix), MS Office apps (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.), and fillable forms (Adobe Acrobat DC).