Accounts and Access

Services that relate to the creation of accounts, mailing lists, and/or access to specific business services. Account creations include those needed for Banner, departmental, and student organizations.

Services (12)

Administrative accounts for employees

Employees can request accounts to access college business related services such as Banner, Argos, BDMS, and Slate.

Employee Email Address Conversion

For a user who needs to request conversion of their email account from Laker NetID style to a first.last employee style address.

Google Groups External Access

This request form is used when a department or person needs to be able to access public/external Google Groups outside our Oswego campus.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is required with the use of a SUNY Oswego Laker NetID. There are two MFA methods, one to be used with Google and the other to be used with various other digital services including but not limited to Brightspace, myOswego, Adobe, and Office365.

New Faculty and Staff Orientation

This information will explain the steps to get started with working at SUNY Oswego

O Drive(s)/OswegoShares Creation Request

This form is used when a department needs a new (O: Drive) folder(s) or a new share(s) created for shared resources.

O Drive(s)/OswegoShares Enable Access

O Drives/OswegoShares are for departments to share documents (separate from Google Drive). Follow the link for this service to request access to a departmental drive. Manager approval is required.

O Drive(s)/OswegoShares Quota Increases Request

This form is used when a Department reaches its limit with the storage on its O Drive(s)/OswegoShares and needs to request additional space.

O Drive(s)/OswegoShares Remove Access

This is used when an employee leaves a department to request removal from a shared drive.

Oswego Email Account and Laker NetID Deletion

This form is to be used for requesting that your SUNY Oswego email account and Laker NetID be deleted permanently.

Visiting Scholar Account Creation Request

Use this form to request a Visiting Scholar Laker NetID and Email address.

Wireless Account Creation

Use this form when you need a wireless account created for use with ChromeBox or ChromeBook system(s) for shared management purposes.