The following instructions provide a step-by-step guide on how to use Jabber and the Cisco Finesse Call Manager system to answer phone calls that are directed to a department's phone queue.
To successfully answer phone calls for a department queue, please follow these steps in order:
Log into the CTS VPN client (only required when working remotely).
Log into the Jabber app.
Log into Cisco Finesse on the web via browser or Jabber extension.
Jabber Sign-In Instructions
First-time sign-in or after a reset of the Jabber app:
Select Advanced Settings
Select Cisco Communications Manager 9 or later
For Login Server, choose "Use the following server" and enter in the Server address field.

Log in with your credentials:
Use the following login format: departmentname-x@oswego.edu (user ID in email format) and your computer extension (e.g., 1297).
The username and password should match the same credentials you use to log into Jabber.
Enter your extension:
Once logged in, you will be prompted for an extension. Open your Cisco Jabber window, and in the lower-left corner, find the "Tel:" field followed by four numbers.
Enter these four numbers into the extension field in Cisco Finesse.
Complete sign-in:
Audio Settings:
Ensure your speaker and microphone are set to Speakers required such as a headset in both the basic settings and the advanced settings section at the bottom.

Under advanced settings, confirm that your preferred audio is above the other options and check marked for both Speaker and Microphone.

If changing your location such as working from home, please test these settings to ensure they’re working correctly.
Note: you cannot take calls with Finesse until Jabber is signed in.
Cisco Finesse Sign-In
To sign into to Cisco Finesse, you may use the same login credentials as Jabber on a web browser or as an extension on Jabber(not available to Mac users). To sign in as an extension in Jabber follow these instructions:
- With Jabber signed in click the gear icon at the top left >File >New >Custom Tab
- Enter the website address for Cisco Finesse and give it a name.
- Sign in as you normally would.
You may see the below page when signing in. From here we will click ‘advanced’ and ‘Proceed to cucm-ipccx-01.voip-net.oswego.edu (unsafe)’ to continue.

However, if you are getting an error to contact the administrator, try refreshing the page and clearing your cache and cookies.
Is Finesse down?
Try refreshing or reloading your Finesse page.
If you're working remotely:
Ensure Jabber is open and you're signed in.
Confirm that your VPN is connected.
If the issue persists:
Try resetting or quitting Jabber, then follow the instructions for server information in the advanced settings.
For Mac users, check the solutions for resolving an invalid certificate or check your Mac's date and time.
Restart your computer and reinstall Jabber.
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