CLA Customer Service & Professional Ethics


This article summarises CLA expectations and customer service and ethics.


As a computer lab assistant, there are some things you are expected to do, and some things that you are not. This page contains a pretty good description (originally written by Don Michaels, additions by Cheryl Aupperle) as to what CTS expects from you as a lab assistant.

Your role with Campus Technology Services

  • This is a JOB
    • We're PAYING you, so while we're paying you, we expect you to work for CTS, not yourself.
  • Your PRIMARY responsibility is Customer Service. Make sure the lab works, report what doesn't work, assist users with their problems.

Dealing with the public

  • No users = no job
  • You represent CTS, the college, SUNY, the State of NY, and all public employees.
  • YOU are the public image of CTS; most people will go through this school without ever meeting anyone else from CTS.

Service with a smile

  • Do unto others...
    • The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
    • Universal Statement of appropriate behavior
  • No one likes to be:
    • Ignored
    • Insulted
    • Talked down to
    • Harassed


  • Helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, cheerful...
  • You weren't born knowing this either
  • If you can't help, send them to someone who can help. Never, never, never leave them hanging.

Assertive Vs Aggresive

  • There are rules. Most are posted.
  • Explain WHY things are the way they are
  • Don't shout, swear, scream, or threaten bodily harm
  • Refer problems to Senior staff (via e-mail or phone call in an emergency)
  • For emergencies call University Police at x5555 - that's why they're there.
  • When it is time to close a lab, ask users politely to leave. 


  • Your job gives you a measure of power
  • "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you really want to test a man's character, give him power" - Abraham Lincoln
  • Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely
  • CLA’s should not give out their password or let anyone access their accounts.
  • CLA's are not exempt from any lab rules.

A Student (user) is...

  • The most important person in this school
  • Not dependent on us; we're dependent on the student
  • Not an interruption of our work, but the purpose of it.
  • Doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to serve
  • The person which brings us his or her desire to learn. It is our job to handle each student in a manner which is beneficial to the student and to ourselves

10 Deadly sins of customer service

  • I don't know
  • I don't care
  • I can't be bothered
  • I know it all
  • I don't like you
  • You don't know anything
  • We don't want your kind here
  • Don't come back
  • I'm right, you're wrong
  • Hurry up and wait

Ethics and Confidentiality

  • All professions have a code of professional ethics. Get used to behaving professionally.
  • You have privileges. Don't assume you have more than you do.
  • Don't discuss users and their problems where others can hear you.
  • What you do and what you know that relate specifically to your job are no one else's business.

Dealing with Stress

  • Stress is a part of life - get used to it
  • Nurture yourself - eat well, sleep well, do those things which you do for recreation
  • You can only do what you do
  • God hasn't retired yet and She probably won't in the near future, so accept that you can't do ALL things. Concentrate on the specific task at hand.

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