This article details how to install Minitab and download the web app.
Overall, the instructions are divided into sections for:
If you do not see Minitab under your "My Products" these are some possible reasons:
- You are signed in with Google. Please log out and log back in using the below instructions.
- You registered late and have not requested a license yet from CTS.
- You have not waited 24 hours before trying to log in after a license was provided.

Minitab Installation Instructions for Windows 10:
*Note Minitab Express is no longer being offered from Minitab Inc.
**Note: Minitab is no longer being offered for macOS computers.
more information regarding this changes can be found here.
- You must have a Minitab user license, if you do not , you will not be able to launch Minitab after installation.
Installation Steps:
- From your Chrome browser, go to https://licensing.minitab.com/
- Enter your SUNY Oswego email address and press the "Next" button.
Note: Do not sign in with Google as this may cause your license to not be available in your account. Sign out and sign back in.

3. Select "Oswego" from the dropdown menu and press the "Log In" button. If you receive a screen asking which account to use (Minitab or State University of New York at Oswego SSO) please choose the SUNY Oswego SSO option.

4. Enter your Laker NetID and Password and press the "Login" button.

5. You now should be logged into your Minitab License Portal. "My Products" is where you can download the Desktop App as well as launch the Web App.

6. If you'd like to download the desktop app version, press the "Download Desktop App" button and continue with the remaining steps.

7. Once the file has finished downloading on your computer, you will need right click on the file and choose "Run as administrator".

8. Press "Next" from the Minitab Setup window, and press "Next" again to accept the license agreement.

9. Select the "Activate with a license" option and press the "Next" button.

10. Choose "Sign In" and then press the "Next" button.

11. Choose "Next" to proceed with installing Minitab. Minitab will begin to install. When completed press the "Finish" button.

- You should now be able to launch the "Minitab Desktop app" by double-clicking on the Minitab shortcut icon on your desktop or from your Windows 10 application menu.
- When you launch Minitab you will need to sign in just like you did at the beginning of this KB article. (Steps 02-04)
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