How to Connect your iOS or iPadOS device to Oswego-Secure or Oswego-Secure-RES


This article outlines instructions for Oswego faculty, staff, and students who need to connect their iOS or iPadOS devices to the Wi-Fi network in an academic building or residential building on campus.


1) From the Home screen, tap Settings and then Wi-Fi. Tap on Oswego-Secure or Oswego-Secure-RES.

2) Enter your Laker NetID and password then click Join.

image showing area to enter lakernetid and password

3) Accept the certificate.

image showing certificate acceptance

4) You are now connected to the wireless network!

image showing successful connection

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Need additional information or assistance? Contact CTS.


Article ID: 10757
Fri 7/21/23 10:56 AM
Wed 8/23/23 3:21 PM

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