Vizio Network Connectivity Troubleshooting


This article outlines instructions for troubleshooting network connectivity issues for a Vizio TV.



This article outlines instructions for troubleshooting network connectivity issues for a Vizio TV.


Vizio TV won't connect to the network or obtain a valid IP address. 


  1. Make sure the device has a valid IP address of 129.3.x.x,  you will need to walk through the menu options to find this. It should be somewhere under Network settings or Network info.
  2. If you have not received a valid IP address:
  3. Ensure your device's MAC address for the medium you are connecting to (wired or wireless) is properly registered at
  4. If connecting to wireless make sure you are connecting to the network called "Oswego-Gaming-RES"
  5. If connecting to wired ensure your Ethernet cable works when connecting directly to the data jack on the wall, bypass the CTS provided HUB if you are using one (for troubleshooting).
  6. After connecting, wait 5 minutes before accessing any network services on the device.
  7. Go back into the Network menu and ensure that you are receiving a valid IP address of 129.3.x.x.  
  8. Access a network service and it should be working.  


If your services are still not working, work through the following steps:

How To Toggle DHCP Settings

  1. Press the Menu button on the remote
  2. Go to "Network" and press OK
  3. Select "Manual Setup" and press the OK button.
  4. DHCP is listed at the top of this page and it will usually say "On" next to it. Press the arrow button on the remote that points to the right to turn it off. Then press the arrow button that points to the left to turn it on again.
  5. Test the network connection again
  6. When checking DHCP settings you might find that it is already turned off. This might be the cause of your internet problems. Turn DHCP on then test the connection again.


If that doesn't work there are 3 other options to try: 

#1: Reset the TV to factory defaults:

  1. Press Menu.
  2. Go to "System" and press OK.
  3. Go to "Reset and Admin" and press the OK button.
  4. Select "Reset TV to Factory Defaults" and press the OK button.
  5. You will see an option that say "Reset" and "Cancel". Select "Reset" and press OK.
  6. Your TV will power off then power itself back on again. The start up menu will guide you through connecting the TV to the network (make sure you select Oswego-RES-Gaming) and setting up cable TV.

#2: Master reset

  1. Power off the TV.
  2. Unplug the TV from the outlet.
  3. Disconnect all devices from the TV.
  4. Press and hold the power button on the side or back of the TV for 30 seconds (while it is unplugged from the wall).
  5. Release the power button.
  6. Plug in the TV.
  7. Reconnect all devices.
  8. Power the TV back on.

#3: Connect via Ethernet cable

  1. Gather the wired Ethernet MAC address from the device (should be on the back of the TV or in one of the menu options). (DO NOT connect the Ethernet cable yet)
  2. Unplug power from the TV
  3. Once you have the MAC address from a computer visit (DO NOT use Chrome for this - Google broke how this functions in newer versions of Chrome)
  4. Log in and enter the MAC address from the wired Ethernet adapter on your TV
  5. Wait 5 minutes
  6. After 5 minutes plug the Ethernet cable into the back of the TV, and the other end directly into the GREEN or YELLOW Ethernet data jack on the wall.
  7. Plug the power back into the TV
  8. The Ethernet network should override the wireless network settings (and disable wireless entirely so long as the Ethernet cable is connected)
  9. Wait a couple of minutes before trying anything
  10. After a couple of minutes try the network test option again in the menu options
  11. Now try running Netflix, or another app on the tv to verify connectivity.

Additional Information

Need additional information or assistance? Contact CTS.



Article ID: 10835
Fri 7/28/23 1:32 PM
Wed 6/26/24 9:59 AM

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