XBOX ONE or 360 not obtaining an IP address or DNS settings


Client DHCP agent is not configured properly or settings are "stuck" on the device.  


If the device has already been properly registered via MyDevices and you are seeing a successful authentication in ISE (GREEN lines):

  • On wired you see authorization profile "Registered-Devices-Wired" or "Gaming-RES-Wired" selected
  • On wireless you see an authorization profile "Gaming-RES-Wireless"

AND the device is not obtaining a correct IP address (and the BLUE lines don't show anything in the "IP Address" column), the client may not be 100% configured properly.  Verify with the client that their device settings are set to "Automatic", "Obtain IP Automatically" or "Use DHCP" for DHCP settings.  


Occasionally, even though the interface on the client will show that it is configured for "Automatic" or "Obtain IP Automatically" or "DHCP", it really isn't 100% configured for this setting.  In these cases where you've verified above information only, try this:

  • Configure the client for static IP address of and a netmask of
  • Save the settings.
  • Immediately go back and change the IP address settings back to DHCP / Automatic settings and then reboot the device.
  • It should obtain a correct IP after the reboot

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Article ID: 10918
Wed 10/4/23 11:53 AM
Wed 6/26/24 9:59 AM