Brightspace TA Request

Service Description

If you are a faculty member needing to request a TA for Brightspace.

*Please note if you are a student requesting access, the request will be rejected. Please have your professor fill out this form*


These are the roles you can request for your students:

Mentor - student view of the course without the ability to submit work
Grader - Student view of the course with the ability to enter grades
Course Builder - Ability to create content without access to the grade book
Teaching Assistant - Ability to create content, interact with students, the ability to set up grade book, and enter grades

These are the roles available for non-registered people:

Observer - Faculty Only: Full view access to the course content without access to the grade book
Librarian - Librarian Only: Ability to create content, interact with students, and enter grades


Available to 

Faculty and Staff


There is no cost associated with this service.

Request Access for a Brightspace TA


Service ID: 7829
Mon 7/17/23 3:29 PM
Tue 4/9/24 9:53 AM