This article details how to make a print secure on Bizhub 308e in Culkin 102 using Mac OS 11.
The Secure Print settings are most easily changed from within a program that can print. We'll use the program "TextEdit", though other programs could be used instead.
1. Open the "TextEdit" program in your "Applications" folder.

2. After TextEdit is open, click its "File" menu.
3. Then click "Print..." in the "File" menu.

4. The Print dialog box should appear. Choose the "CTS Culkin Bizhub 308e" printer from the "Printer:" drop-down menu at the top of this dialog box.
5. Click the drop-down menu in the Print dialog that says "TextEdit".
6. Click "Output Method" in that drop-down menu.

7. The Print dialog box should change to show a new drop-down menu. Click the "Output Method:" drop-down menu. It's probably set to "Print" at this time.
8. In the "Output Method:" drop-down menu, click "Secure Print".

9. Immediately upon clicking "Secure Print", The Secure Print "Document ID" / "Password" box should appear. Type a username into the "Document ID" box. We recommend that you enter your Laker NetID username here for simplicity's sake. Whatever you enter here will need to be typed on the Bizhub's built-in display in the future to receive your printouts.
10. Type a password into the "Password" box. We recommend that this password be 4-8 characters, and different from your Laker NetID password. Whatever you enter here will need to be typed on the Bizhub's built-in display in the future to receive your printouts.
11. Make sure the "Save Settings" checkbox is checked.
12. Click the "OK" button.

13. Click the "Presets:" drop-down menu. It's probably set to "Default Settings" at this time.
14. Click "Save Current Settings as Preset..."

15. Enter a name for the print settings you've selected. I suggest naming them "Secure Print enabled".
16. Click the "OK" button. If you print a document with the "Secure Print enabled" Preset selected, that Preset should automatically be selected by default the next time you prepare to print.

How to receive printouts from the Bizhub 308e in Culkin 102?
17. Press the Bizhub's "Menu" button. It's not on-screen--it's a physical button with a picture of a house on it.
18. Press the "Secure Print" button. It's not a physical button--it's on-screen.

19. Enter the username you entered in step 9. The cursor should automatically appear inside the appropriate field for that ("Document ID"). If it doesn't, you'll need to click the "Document ID" button. Clicking in the field where your username goes will not cause the cursor to appear there.
20. Click on the "Password" button, and enter the password you entered in step 10.
21. After your username and password have been entered, the OK button lights up. Press it to continue.

22. Thumbnails of your queued documents should now appear. Click on one.
23. After you click on one, you can either click "Print" to print it, or "Delete" to cancel printing that document.

24. You're now given an opportunity to tweak some settings if you want.
25. Press the "Start" button to actually print your document--it's a physical button, not an on-screen one.
26. You can press the "Menu" button to exit, if desired.

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