Release and Renew IP Address in Windows


Instructions on how to release a DHCP lease (address allotted for a pre-determined period) and renew a lease (acquiring an IP address with a new lease)



Network-connected computers use an Internet Protocol address (IP address) to be recognized and communicate with other computers using the Internet Protocol. Most computers obtain an IP address allocated by a server operating a service called the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). Usually, this process of acquiring an address occurs automatically, but in some cases, it may not function as anticipated. Troubleshooting network connectivity issues on a Windows computer may occasionally require releasing a DHCP lease (address allotted for a pre-determined period) and renewing a lease (acquiring an IP address with a new lease). 


The "ipconfig /renew" command orders your DHCP client to renegotiate an IP address lease with the DHCP server on your router. On a Windows computer, use the following information to release and renew your IP address:

1. Go to "Start > Run" and type "cmd" (no quotes), then select "OK"
Image showing instruction to go to "Start > Run" and type "cmd" (no quotes), ten select "OK"

2. Type "ipconfig /release" (no quotes) and press "Enter"
image showing to type "ipconfig/ release" (no quotes) and press "Enter"

3. Once the prompt returns, type "ipconfig/ renew" (no quotes), then hit "Enter,"
image showing Once the prompt returns, type "ipconfig/ renew" (no quotes), then hit "Enter,"

4. Finally, type "exit" (without quotes) then press "Enter" to close the window

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Article ID: 10748
Fri 7/21/23 9:45 AM
Tue 2/18/25 4:23 PM

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